WRF workflows
Specific tasks
Before running the model
Defining the vertical grid
Customizing model orography
Defining a new geographical database
Using ECMWF data as IC/BC
The long story made short is: you should link grib1 files and process them with ungrib.exe
using Vtable.ECMWF_sigma
More in detail, since a few years ECMWF has been distributing a mixture of grib2 and grib1 files. Namely:
- grib1 files for surface and soil model levels.
- grib2 files for atmospheric model levels.
The WPS has a predefined Vtable for grib1 files from ECMWF, so the easiest way to process ECMWF data is to:
- convert model-level grib2 files to grib1
- if necessary, for every time stamp, concatenate the model-level and surface grib1 files into a single file. This is only necessary if the grib1 and grib2 data were downloaded as separate sets of GRIB files.
- process the resulting files with ungrib after linking
In detail:
Conversion to grib1 (needs the grib_set utility from eccodes):
convert to grib1 1 2 3 4 5
for i in det.CROSSINN.mlv.20190913.0000.f*.grib2; do j=`basename $i .grib2`; grib_set -s deletePV=1,edition=1 ${i} ${j}; done
Concatenation of grib files (two sets of files,
, with names ending with "grib1" yield a new set of files with names ending with "grib"; everything is grib1):concatenate grib files 1 2 3 4 5 6
for i in det.CROSSINN.mlv.20190913.0000.f*.grib1; do j=`echo $i|sed 's/.mlv./.sfc./'`; k=`echo $i|sed 's/.mlv././'|sed 's/.grib1/.grib/'`; cat $i $j > $k; done
In the WPS main directory:
link grib files and convert 1 2 3
link_grib.csh /data/GRIB_IC_for_LAM/ECMWF/20190913_CROSSINN_IOP8/det.CROSSINN.20190913.0000.f*.grib ln -s ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.ECMWF_sigma Vtable ./ungrib.exe
An alternative procedure would be to convert everything to grib2 instead of grib1. Then, one has to use a Vtable with grib2 information for the surface fields, for instance the one included here at the bottom. But: Data from the bottom soil level will not be read correctly with this Vtable, because the Level2 value for the bottom level is actually MISSING in grib2 files (at the moment of writing, 6 May 2022; this may be fixed in the future).
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Spinning up soil fields
After running the model
Converting model output to CF-compliant NetCDF
To convert WRF output to CF-compliant NetCDF, use
(from https://sundowner.colorado.edu/wrfout_to_cf/overview.html):Text Only 1
ncl 'file_in="wrfinput_d01"' 'file_out="wrfpost.nc"' wrfout_to_cf.ncl
Interpolating model output to a new grid
First convert to CF-compliant NetCDF (see above)
Then use cdo to interpolate the CF-compliant WRF output:
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cdo -remapnn,gridfile.lonlat.txt wrfpost.nc wrfpost_interpolated.nc
In the code snippet above,
specifies the interpolation engine, in this case nearest-neighbour. See alternatives here: https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo/wiki/Tutorial#Horizontal-fields -
File gridfile.lonlat.txt contans the grid specifications, e.g.:
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gridtype = lonlat gridsize = 721801 xsize = 1201 ysize = 601 xname = lon xlongname = "longitude" xunits = "degrees_east" yname = lat ylongname = "latitude" yunits = "degrees_north" xfirst = 5.00 xinc = 0.01 yfirst = 43.00 yinc = 0.01
Subsetting model output
Further compression of model output (data packing)
3D visualization
For 3D visualization of WRF output, it is recommended to use either Paraview or Mayavi.
Both softwares are based on the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) libraries, so visualizations are rather similar in the end.
Both sotwares can be used interactively from a graphical user interface or in batch mode (i.e., writing the visualization directives in a Python script).
While Paraview requires converting model data into one of a few supported formats, Mayavi supports direct rendering of Numpy objects, so it is easier to integrate it into Python code.
It is recommended to run 3D visualization software on GPUs. Running on a CPU (e.g., own laptop) is possible, but will be extremely slow. CPU is not the only bottleneck, because visualization software uses a lot of computer memory. Rendering 3D fields, in particular, is out of reach for normal laptops with 8GB or 16GB of RAM. Paraview is available on VSC5 and should be available soon on srvx8. Currently, Mayavi must be installed by individual users as a Python package.
Notes for readers/contributors: (1) Mayavi is untested yet. (2) It would be useful to add example batch scripts for both Paraview and Mayavi.
Paraview workflow
Pre-requisite: download and install the Paraview application on your computer.
Log in to VSC5 in a terminal window.
On VSC5, convert the WRF output in a format that Paraview can ingest. One option is to use siso.
The first and second statements handle respectively 3D and 2D WRF output. They process the native output from WRF in netcdf format and return collections of files in VTS format (the VTK format for structured grids). There will be two independent datasets (for 3D and 2D output).Bash 1 2
siso -f vts ~/serafins/TEAMx_LES/output/100m/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00\:00\:00 > siso.out 2>&1 & siso -f vts --planar ~/serafins/TEAMx_LES/output/100m/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00\:00\:00 > siso_sfc.out 2>&1 &
In the VSC5 terminal, request access to a GPU node. One of the private IMGW nodes has a GPU, and can be accessed with specific account/partition/quality of service directives.
Bash 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(zen3) [sserafin4@l50 ~]$ salloc -N 1 --gres=gpu:2 --account=p71386 -p zen3_0512_a100x2 -q p71386_a100dual salloc: Pending job allocation 233600 salloc: job 233600 queued and waiting for resources salloc: job 233600 has been allocated resources salloc: Granted job allocation 233600 salloc: Waiting for resource configuration salloc: Nodes n3072-006 are ready for job
Once the GPU node becomes available, open up a new terminal session on your local machine, and set up an ssh tunnel to the GPU node through the login node.
This will redirect TCP/IP traffic from port 11111 of your local machine to port 11112 of the VSC5 GPU node, through the VSC5 login node. Port numbers are arbitary, but the remote port (11112) needs to match the Paraview server settings (see below).Bash 1
(mypy39) stefano@stefano-XPS-13-9370:~$ ssh -L 11111:n3072-006:11112 sserafin4@vsc5.vsc.ac.at
In the VSC5 terminal, log in to the GPU node:
Bash 1 2 3 4 5
(zen3) [sserafin4@l50 ~]$ ssh n3072-006 Warning: Permanently added 'n3072-006,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. sserafin4@n3072-006's password: (zen3) [sserafin4@n3072-006 ~]$
In the VSC5 terminal on the GPU node, load the Paraview module and start the Paraview server:
Bash 1 2 3 4 5
(zen3) [sserafin4@n3072-006 ~]$ module load paraview (zen3) [sserafin4@n3072-006 ~]$ pvserver --force-offscreen-rendering --server-port=11112 Waiting for client... Connection URL: cs://n3072-006:11112 Accepting connection(s): n3072-006:11112
On your local machine, open the Paraview client (graphical user interface, GUI). Then select File > Connect and enter the url of the Paraview server (
). Select the datasets you want to display and work on them in the GUI. Save the Paraview state to avoid repeating work at the next session. Paraview has extensive documentation, tutorials (one, two and three) and a wiki.
Mayavi workflow
Not tested yet.
Creating a video
Whether done with Paraview or with Mayavi, the visualization will result in a collection of png files, e.g., InnValley.%04d.png
. There are several tools to convert invidual frames into movies. Among them, ffmpeg
and apngasm
. At the moment neither of them is available on IMGW servers (precompiled binaries are available through apt-get
for Ubuntu).
The basic method to create an mp4
movie is:
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1 |
The method above might return an error if frames have an odd number of pixels in one dimension:
Bash | |
1 |
The fix is as follows:
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1 |
It is possible to add movie repetitions (similar to a loop). In this case, 3 additional loops are appended after the first one:
Bash | |
1 |
It also possible to generate movies in other formats, better suited for the web:
webp (most efficient compression for loops):
Bash 1
ffmpeg -framerate 12 -i InnValley.%04d.png InnValley.webp
animated png (bigger in size):
Bash 1
apngasm InnValley.png InnValley.0*png
gif (much bigger in size):
Bash 1
ffmpeg -framerate 12 -i InnValley.%04d.png InnValley.gif
For the example dataset, the collection of raw png files takes 59 MB while the video file sizes range between 4.5 and 70 MB:
Bash 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(mypy39) stefano@stefano-XPS-13-9370:~/Desktop/Paraview_animation/anim$ du -hcs InnValley.0*png 59M total (mypy39) stefano@stefano-XPS-13-9370:~/Desktop/Paraview_animation/anim$ du -hcs InnValley.[pgmw]* 70M InnValley.gif 14M InnValley.mp4 51M InnValley.png 4,5M InnValley.webp
Useful tools
Created: May 5, 2023