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Jupyter Notebook Lab


Students need to get a server account for accessing this resource. However, it is intended to help students complete their Masters and have an easy accessible Jupyterhub. Your Supervisor can ask for an account for you.

Master Hub


Annual purge of HOME

It is necessary for a smooth operation to purge the contents of the TeachingHub on an annual basis. Every year (23. September) before the winter semester starts there will be a purge of students home directories.

What is available?

Authentication is only possible via moodle. Every student can use their u:account to login into moodle and be forwarded to the new teaching hub. Access via Moodle lecture and Jupyterhub Symbol. Access after successful login via Moodle:

TeachingHub access via Moodle

Just click on your Jupyterhub icon and you will be forwarded to the teaching hub:

TeachingHub welcome

There should be a Welcome.ipynb waiting for you and you are free to try out different kernels.

TeachingHub jupyter kernel selection

It is also possible to use a VNC (Virtual Desktop) to open installed gui applications, such as ncview. However, that is quite special and will only be required to be used in certain lectures.

TeachingHub vnc desktop

Last update: October 17, 2024
Created: January 26, 2023